Friday 14 January 2011

January 10 - in which I'm accused of pedantry

The main difficulty both Lorren and I are finding in keeping to our task is to think of different Random Acts of Kindness to do every day. You'd think it was easy, that everyday life would supply you with plenty of opportunities to be kind to someone else. In practice - once you rule out normal every day courtesies like letting a car pull out in front of you or opening a door for someone - it's far more difficult. Today I walk into town and can find literally no-one who might benefit from an RAK. Well, that's not quite true. Obviously, you could be kind to someone by buying them a doughnut out of the blue, or offering to pay for their shopping. But that's just feels a bit forced, a bit deliberately eccentric rather than randomly kind. Besides, the person you're doing it for might take it the wrong way - be freaked out by it rather than made happier. Actually, let's cut to the truth - the fact is, it mught be embarrassing, and God forbid we English should embarrass ourselves.
Anyway, as I was saying, I walked into town and couldn't find a convenient RAK to do. However, as I walk home past the computer games shop, I see a sign advertising 3D Nintendo DS players, exhorting customers to "BOOK NOW TO AVOID DISSAPOINTMENT". I take out my biro and correct the spelling, crossing  out the superfluous S and inserting a P. Much better.
I put this forward to L as an Random Act of Kindness, protecting the poor shopkeeper from public derision over his poor spelling, but she disagrees. "More like a Random Act of Pedantry", she claims. She, meanwhile, has made a present of some kitchen knives ("the sharpest knives on the market", apparently), that we'd bought mail-order and not used once, to our neighbours. Piqued by being outdone in the RAK stakes, I offer to pick up our eldest daughter from the bus-stop to stop L having to go out in the cold and dark to do it. That will have to do for today.

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