Wednesday 12 January 2011

January 8 - in which Lorren loses someone dear to her

L's friend Sue died today of cancer. It's been a shockingly, almost obscenely, short period between her first diagnosis and her death- just six weeks - which makes it even harder on her friends and family. Sue was a
lovely young woman with a gorgeous family and her loss is very hard to bear. L calls me at work to tell me the sad news and I feel awful. I know L will need someone to comfort her and I can't be there.
Two of her friends can be though - Doug and Sarah, and Doug's little daughter Daisy. They go for a walk with Charlie and afterwards Daisy asks if she can take Charlie home with her for the night. This is a huge step for Daisy who up until a few months ago was scared of dogs. So L says yes, of course she can.
Back at work, we have a hectic evening after the shooting of US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. The team work their socks off as we roll on the news for nearly four straight hours. So I buy them each a
Cadburys Creme Egg, putting each one neatly on their keyboards for them to find. it looks like a giant chocolate hen has been roaming the newsroom laying foil-wrapped eggs on people's desks.

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