Monday 10 January 2011

January 6 - in which we find we are not alone

Doing a little internet research into Random Acts of Kindness, I discover that the concept may not be as stunningly original as we'd thought. Did you know there's an actual website community based in the USA dedicated to the idea - the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation? You can reach them at - it's a fantastically detailed website with some great (if sometimes slightly po-faced) suggestions and stories, information, and links to other sites and blogs. The Foundation sponsors an official Random Act of Kindness Week (February 14-19 this year, if you're interested).
And there's more. The comedy writer Danny Wallace has penned a book called "Random Acts of Kindness: 365 Ways To Make The World A Nicer Place", which is apparently about getting everyone to go out every Friday and perform an act of kindness for someone you don't know (I must read that - Danny's a funny writer and there could be some decent suggestions in there too). There's even another blog right here on blogspot called "365 Random Acts of Kindness" - set up by a Texan called Arnold who wants people to send in their own stories of performing RAKs in 2011. Mind you, there's nothing on it yet so maybe he's having a bit of trouble with it so far.
Both our RAKs are work-based today. It's L's first day back so she brings in sweets and treats for her colleagues. I come out of our editorial meeting earlier than expected and have half an hour to kill before my shift starts. I could just mess around on my PC for a bit - instead I go over and take over early from my opposite number on the early shift, so he can go home half an hour earlier.

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