Monday 17 January 2011

January 12 - in which we both end up recycling

One of the side-effects of trying to perform one random act of kindness each day, and writing about it as well, is that you spend a lot of time looking for opportunities for interesting RAKs - and also doing several minor RAKs just in case you don't get the chance to do a bigger one. So some days, when you think you're struggling to be as kind as you'd like, you end up doing a lot more kind deeds than you otherwise would. Today's a case in point. I spend much of the working day buying my colleagues cups of tea, doing little errands, and so on. Then on the way home, I let people on to the train first, deliberately leave seats free for other passengers, pick up a toy that a baby drops... but none of it feels especially like a proper RAK. Finally, as I'm leaving the station, I offer my copy of the Evening Standard to a woman on her way to the trains, and she accepts with thanks. It'll have to do. It's only a free newspaper, but at least she'll have something to read on her journey. Just hope she didn't want to do the sudoku, because I'd finished it.
L has been more productive with her time, spending half an hour picking up litter off the green. A very eco-friendly RAK.

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