Monday 3 January 2011

January 2 - in which I am not waving but nearly drowning, Lorren gets the beers in and I end up with a tart

Off to a water park for the day with our daughters - surely a venue with loads of potential for Random Acts of Kindness. I could offer up my place in the queue for the water slides to someone who, well, needs it more than me; or carry a rubber raft for an aged or infirm water-slider, if there are any; or save a tiny tot from drowning in some sort of water-slide based accident; or.. or maybe something a little less melodramatic perhaps.
L has a good idea. She's seen an advert for vouchers which allow you to get a cut-price return trip to the water park. Pick up a couple , give them to holiday-makers back at the hotel, and hey presto - RAK sorted. She goes off looking for the vouchers.
Meanwhile, I cannot find a single person to bestow a Random Act of kindness on. The queues are practically non-existent. No one needs any water-sliding equipment carried for them. And the only person who comes close to drowning is me, in the wave pool, when L (who has been unsuccessful in her quest for her vouchers) calls out to me to wave while she takes a photo, and I turn my head at the wrong moment and get hit by a tsunami-like wall of water that leaves me spluttering and floundering out of my depth.
We set off home and I volunteer to go shopping at the local mini-market. I'm wondering whether this qualifies as an RAK (not really, I have to admit) when a kind deed occurs to me. A couple of days ago in the mini-market, L had hopefully picked up a lemon tart and asked me if we could have it for after dinner. I'd been in a bit of a grump, and said no, it was too expensive and what's more I didn't like it, and I didn't think the girls would either. I pick it up. It's still expensive. I still don't like it. I buy it anyway. It'll make L smile, I think. And it does.
Lorren has been performing her RAK by going down to the bar by the hotel. Now why didn't I think of that? It's a small, lonely little place that doesn't appear to get much custom. The couple who run it seem very nice. We've looked in before but never stopped. This time, L goes in and - out of charity, she claims - buys a beer and has a long chat with the owner. Made his day, or so she says.

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